The purpose of this study is to develop an improved marker auto-identification algorithm for reduce of data processing time through improve the efficiency of noise elimination and marker separation. The maker auto-identification algorithm was programming named KUMAS used Delphi language. For the study, various experiments were conducted for the verification of KUMAS. and compared two systems of established with the KUMAS. Four different motions - cycling, gait, rotation, and pendulum -, were selected and tested. Motions were filmed 30Hz frames rate per second. ${\chi}^2$ used for statistical analysis. Significant level were ${\alpha}=.05$. The test results were as follow. 1. Increased the success ratio of marker auto-identification. 2. The efficiency of marker auto-identification was remarkably improved through marker separation, noise elimination. 3. The marker auto-identification ability was improved in 2D-image plane include the 3D motion. 4. Significant different were found between KUMAS and B-SYS(established system) with non-input the artificial noise frames, input the artificial noise frames and total frames.