The purpose of this study was to suggest the guideline for scientific and quantitative skill acquisition methods of badminton smashing so that the novice could learn the motions of badminton smashing efficiently. The subject participated consisted of total 6 middle school students of the stilled(3) and the unskilled(3). The cinematographical experimental & Analysis equipments used in the study were composed of two Model D-5100 Video Cameras, a control point, a synchronization timer and Kwon3d motion analysis system. The conclusions obtained were as follows, 1. It was necessary for the unskilled to learn the smashing impact phase in situation of max. velocity of COG in order to minimize the timing loss phase. 2. Particularly. The power from segments of Power Zone must participate in utilization in sequence of order of trunk-upper arm- forearm-hand-racket segment in both the skilled and the unskilled.. 3. Therefore it was necessary for the unskilled to do smashing practice for cumulated sum of absolute & relative velocity transfer into shuttle cock after adjusting anterior-posterior tilting angle and max timing, in sequence of segment recruited.