In this research was to analyze 3-D kinematics variables for handspring of basic motion in the heavy gymnastics in order to investigate kinematical difference between expert and novice. Therefore, the purpose of this research was provide quantitative information, systematic provision, rules, establishment of basic skill for improving skill and teaching athletes. And in the research, results were as followings. 1. In the time variables, total time was that expert took 0.745sec and novice took 0.829sec, and as duration time of each event, expert was faster than novice in the all motion event except till second event of the preparation motion. 2. In the center of body variables, vertical direction variables, the displacement of body center hight was that expert showed 61.26% and novice showed 54.48% in the third event of all motion, also all event were showed expert was higher displacement than novice except first of event in preparatory stage. 3. In the angle displacement of main joint, the right direction was that expert showed 154.12degree and novice showed 174.85degree and the left direction was that expert showed 159.29degree and novice showed 171.46degree In the second event of main joint curved point at the same time hand was reached floor. In the angle displacement of knee joint in the third event of all motion, expert showed 155.25degree and novice showed 154.00degree In right, and expert showed 155.24degree and novice showed 154.55degree in left. In this result, both were same motion type. In the angle displacement of hip joint in the third event of the all motion, expert showed 142.80degree and novice showed 134.17degree in right, and expert showed 140.28degree and novice showed 144.94degree in left. In this result, motion pattern of expert was same both sides, but novice was different. According to the results, to increase efficiency of motion and aesthetic effect in the all motion, it should stretch displacement and height of body center and make similarly angle of right and left joint.