For this study, four male university Taekwondo players were randomly chosen, between the weight categories of 60Kg and 80Kg. Their side kicks (yeop chagi), which are part of foot techniques, were kinematically analyzed in terms of the time, angle, and angular velocity factors involved with the kicks through the three-dimensional imaging. The results of the analysis are as fellows. 1. Time factor The first phase(preparation) was 0.48sec on average, accounting for 60% of the entire time spent; the second phase(the minimum angle of the knee joint) was 0.21sec on average, taking up 26% of the whole time spent; and the third phase(hitting) was 0.11sec on average, representing 14% of the entire time spent. 2. Angle factor In the first phase(preparation), rotating their bodies along the long axis, the players bended their hip and knee joints a lot, by moving fast in the vertical and horizontal directions, in the second phase(the minimum angle of the knee joint), the players continued to extend their bodies along the vertical axis, while pronating their lower legs and bending their hip and knee joints a lot to reduce the radius of gyration, and in the third phase(hitting), they extended their knee joints greatly so that the angle movements of their lower bodies shifted to circle movements. 3. Angular velocity factor In the first phase(preparation), the angular velocity of the hip and knee joints increased. while moving horizontally and rotating the body along the long axis; in the second phase(the minimum angle of the knee joint), the angular velocity increased by bending the hip and knee joints fast to reduce the rotation radios; and in the third phase(hitting), the angular velocity was found to have increased, by rotating the body along the long axis to increase the angular velocity and shifting the angular momentum of the pronated knee joint to the circular momentum.