The purpose of this study was to investigate the height of jump, angle of the ankle and knee, the angular velocity of the ankle and knee between two types of ballet shoes during a jump in the 1st position. The subjects were 5 female ballet majors of university in Busan the majors who have been dancing ballet for six years on the average. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The height of jump had no significant difference between two types of ballet shoes, and then the average of the height of jump with point shoes group ($20.24{\pm}4.62\;cm$) was a little higher than ballet shoes group ($17.50{\pm}4.05\;cm$). 2. The angle of the ankle had no significant difference for all events between two types of ballet shoes. The minimum angle of ankle joint was represented to $54.36_{\circ}$ at the E1 of the left ankle angle of the ballet shoes and the maximum value was showed $155.43_{\circ}$ at the E3 of the right ankle angle of the point shoes. 3. The angle of the knee had no significant difference for all events between two types of ballet shoes. The minimum angle of knee joint was represented to $99.54_{\circ}$ at the E1 of the left knee angle of the ballet shoes and the maximum value was showed $174.25_{\circ}$ at the E3 of the right knee angle of the point shoes. 4. The ankle velocity of the ankle had no significant difference for all events between two types of ballet shoes. The minimum angular velocity of the ankle was represented to 4.35 deg/s at the maximum height(E3) of the point shoes and the maximum value was showed 597.81 deg/s at the take-off(E2) of the right ankle angle of the point shoes. 5. The angular velocity of the knee had significant difference between two types of ballet shoes at the event 1(p<.05). The minimum angular velocity of the hee was represented to -1.68 deg/s at the maximum height(E3) of the point shoes and the maximum value was showed 360.25 deg/s at the take-off(E2) of the left knee angle of the ballet shoes. The other events had no significant difference between two types of ballet shoes.