The purpose of this study was to present the basic data on improving the skills for 3 junior high school national badminton players in clear and drop motion through the 3-dimensional image analysis. Therefore, the results of this study are as follows: 1. In the duration times per phase, subject C relatively showed a similar time between clear and drop motion. Accordingly, C took a more effective motion than A and B. 2. In the velocities of racket head, subject A and C showed similar changes relatively. However, in case of subject B, the velocity was decreased before back swing(E2) and increased until impact(E3). 3. Regardless of clear and drop motion, the changing phases of joint angle for wrist and elbow showed similar changes comparatively. 4. In the angles of upper body, clear motion was average 85.0 degree and drop one was average 80.7 degree during the impact(E3). Hence, it showed that drop motion hit the ball bowing the upper body more than clear one. 5. In the angles of racket head, clear motion was average 87.7 degree and drop one was average 85.6 degree during the impact(E3). Consequently, drop motion was impacted forward more than clear one.