휠체어 농구 자유투 동작시 상지분절의 운동학적 분석

A Kinematic Analysis of the Upper-limb Motion of Wheelchair Basketball Free Throw Shooting

  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


The Purpose of this study was to examine the kinematic analysis of the upper-limb motion of wheelchair basketball free throw shooting. Three-dimensional kinematic data were obtained from 8 male wheelchair basketball players performing a successful free throw. Players were divided into three groups, according to their IWBF classification(Group 1: 1 point players, Group 2: 2-2.5point players and Group 3:3.5-4 point players) Wheelchair basketball free throw motions were taken by video camera. The three-dimensional coordinates was processed by DLT. Players from Group 1 and 2 tended to release the ball from a lower height, with greater velocity and release angle. Players from Group 1 showed greater shoulder horizontal adduction and horizontal abduction angle, wrist ulnar flexion and radial flexion angle, and trunk angle. but players from Group 2 appeared lower shoulder abduction. Upper limb angular velocity showed most greatly in hands from Group 1, upperarm from Group 2, and forearm from Group 3.



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