This paper aims at collecting the guantitative data of kenematic variables by analysing the gait patterns of the normal adult men and the handicapped. The gait motions were taped with 4 video cameras, the cinematographic analyses were performed by the DLT technique of three dimensional image treatment. The following results were obtained in the analysis of the variables: 1. The ratio of stance time and swing time did not show any significant difference in the groups of the normal men and the handicapped when both foot of the former and the right feet of the latter were compared. The stride peeriod time of these two groups were 1.12 and 1.11 second, respectively. 2. In the handicapped group, the step width was wider, the step length and stride length were shorter, and especially, the step length of the right foot was shorter, 3. The small vertical displacement of left toes of the handicapped group showed that the heal contact and the left midstance are almost simultaneous. 4. The two groups have almost the same horizontal displacement of the center of gravity and the same vertical rate of extension. In view of the velocity of the center of gravity the normal adults showed the constant speed of movement. However, the handicapped adults were reduced from the right midstance to the right toe-off. 5. The handicapped showed prominently low angle on the left toe-off in the ankle joint angle, they also had the tendency to walk in the patterns of extended knee in the knee joint angle. Both the handicapped and the normal had the hyperextension on the toe-off in the hip joint angle. In the back and front angle of body, both showed the slightly back-sided walking positions. 6. Both groups had the abduction of both feet in foot placement angle, but the handicapped did not show serious abduction of left midstance.