Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (기본간호학회지)
- Volume 10 Issue 3
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- Pages.326-334
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- 2003
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- 1225-9012(pISSN)
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- 2287-1802(eISSN)
A Survey Study on Characteristics Associated with Fractures in Elderly People
노인골절 환자의 골절 관련 특성에 대한 연구
Lee Jong-Kyung
(Department of Nursing, Dankook University)
(단국대학교 의과대학 간호학과)
- Published : 2003.12.31
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics associated with fractures in elderly people in order to provide basic data for fracture preventive programs for the elderly people. Method: The participants were 84 patients over age of 65, who were admitted to the orthopedic department in a hospital in Chungnam province. Data were collected from Sep. 1, 2002 to Aug, 30, 2003 through personal interviews using a structured questionnaire. The data were analyzed using SPSSPC program. Result: Physical characteristics before the fracture included weakness or paralysis in the extremities (29.8%), need of assistance or appliances (13.1%), difficulty on balance (28.6%), visual disturbances (26.2%), hearing impairment (17.9%), speech disturbances (2.4%), urinary dysfunction (21.4%), and sleep disturbances (54.8%). The fractures occurred most frequently in winter (32.1%), between 1 pm and 6 pm (48.8%), on weekends (41.6%), in the road (58.3%) while wearing snickers (27.4%) or shoes (27.4%). The region of fractures occurred most frequently was lower extremities (57.1%), and the causes of fractures were loss of balance (31.0%) and car accident (25.0 %). A significance difference was found for type of accident, footwear at the time of the accident, place of the accident according to gender and age. Also a significance difference was found for type of accident and place of accident according to season(p<.05). Conclusion: Therefore, these results should be considered when a fracture preventive program for elderly people is designed.