Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify predictive factors of Brest Self-Examination practice of clinical nurses. Method: The subject for this study were 277 nurses in 8 university hospitals in Busan. The data were collected from September 21 to October 20, 2001 by means of a structure questionnaire. The instruments used for this study were Choi's BSE knowledge scale. Kim's BSE attitude scale and Jung's BSE practice scale. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, Peason Correlation, t-teat, ANOVA, scheffe's test, and multiple stepwise Regression using SPSS program. Result: 1. The mean score of BSE practice for the total sample was 7. 25${\pm}$4.62. 2. Statistically significant factors influencing the BSE Practice among social demographic characteristics were age(F=2.734, P=0.44), Married status(t=2.598, p=0.010). 3. Statistically significant factors influencing the BSE Practice among BSE relating characteristics were enlisting the help of significant peers(t=3.34, P=0.00), Intention of Practice for BSE(t=10.462, p=0.00), performance of BSE(t=7.800, P=0.00), frequency of performance in BSE(F=13.932, p=0.00), confidence in Knowledge of BSE technique(F=5.350, p=0.00), confidence in finding breast nodule(F=7.204, p=.00), asking client's BSE (t=3.153, P=0.01). 4.The mild correlation between nurse's BSE knowledge and practice was found(r=0.366,p=0.000). 5. There were significant predictors of BSE Practice. Performance of BSE was the best significant predictive factor(R2=.383, p=.000) Another significant predictive factors were knowledge, intension of practice, married status, frequency of performance. Conclusion: Degree of nurses' performance of BSE was average. It is necessary to develope the nurses' educational program for BSE with its focus on above predictive factors of performance of BSE.