Case Study for High Ozone Episode day during Summertime in Busan

부산지역 여름철 고농도 오존 발생의 사례 연구

  • Jeon, Byung-Il (Department of Environmental Engineering, Silla University)
  • Received : 2003.06.24
  • Accepted : 2003.08.26
  • Published : 2003.09.30


This study was carried out to survey the high ozone episode of summertime in Busan. The selected day was July 18, 1999 and August 24, 2001 which recorded exceed to 12ppb/hr at 3 station in Busan simultaneously. In case July 18, 1999, thick cloud and variable wind made weak ozone concentration during morning hour. And increase of ozone concentration by revolution of mixed layer for morning hour did not occur in this case study day. Photochemical reaction by strong radiation after 1100LST made sharp increase rate of ozone concentration(50ppb/hr). In case August 24, 2001, the meteorological condition of this day was not general wind with gradient force, very clear day with less cloud amount, high insolation and sunshine. Dongsamdong, Beomcheondong, Daeyeondong, and Sinpyeongdong had double peak which twice maximum concentration in the early afternoon and late afternoon. Ozone concentration of this day was in inverse proportion to Nitrogen oxide strongly. Ozone concentration exceed to 60ppb/hr occurred at 1400LST, continued to 2300LST.



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