To investigate the characteristics of 17 solid waste landfills in the upper drainage basin of Lake Daechong, the landfill sites were surveyed, the leachate of these landfills were analyzed, and the analysis results were assessed from standpoint of water contamination. Sanitary landfills which are now being operated are relatively well equipped with facilities such as leachate collection, daily soil cover and landfill gas treatment devices. But a few of open-dumping landfills were leaking leachate apparently and were supervised improperly and neglectfully by local governments. Some of sanitary landfills exceeded the COD permission criteria of leachate effluent, and some of open-dumping landfills exceeded SS, T-P, Pb, As, Fe, Mn permission criteria of leachate effluent. To improve the water quality of Lake Daechong which is utilized for supplying drinking water, agricultural water, and industrial water to the great part of Chungchong area, the adequate and prompt measures for preventing Daechong Lake water contamination from landfills leachate is necessary.