Development of Web Based Machining Tool Data System Using XML(eXtensible Markup Language)

XML을 이용한 Web 기반 공구정보 시스템 개발

  • Kim, Young-Jin (College of Applied Technology, Kyung Hee University) ;
  • Yang, Yung-Mo (Microsoft Solution Service Team, DongYang Systems)
  • Received : 20020800
  • Accepted : 20021200
  • Published : 2003.03.31


With rapid growth of internet technology, companies have developed an information system such as the electronic catalog for product data in the E-Business. Due to the heuristic nature of the catalog search for proper tools in the specific process, the intelligent and user friendly methods residing in the search process give a comfortable environment even for the beginners in the field. In this paper, we develop a web based catalog for machining tools especially in Milling process. It has two distinct procedures for the users of the catalog; Search and Analysis. The Search is to select a proper cutter, insert, component combination in the developed relational database based on the cutting process and material. The Analysis is to suggest a recommended optimal cutting conditions based on the machining tools and selected materials. All of these procedures are stored in a server with a program based on the ASP and Java Script where the procedure is initiated by the client using the internet which is accessed through insert. With the success on implementing the above engineering database in the internet, we can provide the foundation for developing PDM with heuristic procedure.



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