Development of A Manufacturing Desk for Distributed Manufacturing Systems Over the World Wide Web

분산제조 시스템에서 웹을 이용한 제조정보 지원 채널 개발

  • Lee, Hong-Hee (Department of Industral Engineering, Division of Mechanical Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Choi, Hong-Geun (Daewoo Information Systems Co.)
  • 이홍희 (인하대학교 기계공학부 산업공학과) ;
  • 최홍근 (대우정보시스템(주))
  • Received : 20020700
  • Accepted : 20021200
  • Published : 2003.03.31


Today's manufacturing enterprise relies heavily on the collaboration and coordination among the distributed manufacturing systems. The effective exchange of the various manufacturing information among the distributed organizations contributes a great deal to their productivity. An Internet-Based Manufacturing Desk is developed for the production of the press dies in the automobile industry in order to solve the manufacturing problems among the distributed organizations, to maintain their smooth and immediate information flow, and to increase their productivity finally. The CBR(Case-Based Reasoning) method is applied to achieve those effects. Using the method, the solutions and methods of the predetermined case-bases are retrieved and applied to solve a newly introduced problem. The developed system is implemented and applied successfully.



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