A Systematic Construction Process of 3D Database for Realtime Virtual Simulation of Transportation Equipments

수송장비의 실시간 가상 시뮬레이션을 위한 3차원 데이터베이스의 체계적인 구축 프로세스

  • Kim, Bo-Hyun (Manufacturing and Information Technology Laboratory, KITECH)
  • 김보현 (한국생산기술원 지능형생산시스템팀)
  • Received : 20021000
  • Accepted : 20030300
  • Published : 2003.06.30


Recently, virtual reality technologies have been rapidly developed and realtime virtual simulation methods have been extensively employed for several application areas such as game, sports, manufacturing, military, and so on. A 3D database in realtime virtual simulation plays a key role because it makes users feel reality in virtual space. In a application view of 3D database, a systematic construction approach is required to reduce its construction time and increase its quality. However, many researches have been mostly focused on realtime graphic issues and its key technologies. In virtual simulation of transportation equipments, this paper proposes a systematic construction process of 3D database consisting of four stages as follows: 1) determine the activity space of a equipment, 2) collect data related to 3D database construction, 3) make a 3-dimensional modeling strategy, and 4) generate and evaluate a 3D model. This paper also introduces a new procedure of 3D environment modeling, which summarizes and expands our modeling experiences, to be used as a modeling guide.



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