식혜(食醯) 생산(生産)라인의 공정(工程)/배치(配置) 설계(設計)에 대한 사례 연구

A Case Study for a Process/Layout Design of a Sikhye Production Line

  • 양문희 (단국대학교 공학부 산업공학)
  • Yang, Moon-Hee (Department of Industrial Engineering, Dankook University)
  • 투고 : 20030300
  • 심사 : 20031000
  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


In this paper, we deal with a process and layout design for producing a planned amount of Sikhye in a given limited time period under a reasonable production schedule. We represent a Sikhye production line as a vector N, the element of which denotes the number of tanks required in each process and our objective is to find an appropriate vector which minimizes the total investment cost. We suggest a systematic method for finding an appropriate N and an appropriate layout to N. In detail, first, we decide the required sequence of processes and the required operations for each process and we estimate standard operating times. Second, constructing a precedence diagram, we find a critical path in order to reduce the total production lead time for a batch of Sikhye. Third, given a limited N space, we manage to construct manually each production schedule using both the processing times of the critical operations and transfer times. Finally, we find an optimal vector N which gives a minimum investment cost and meets both the time constraint and quantity constraint. In addition, with the estimated relative size of each tank, we suggest an appropriate conceptual layout design including an expansion area for future demands, based on the span technique used in the field of architectural design.



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