성서에 나타난 제사장 복식의 상징적 의미

The Symbolic Meaning of the Priestly Costume Depicted in the Bible

  • 김현 (공주대학교 의류상품학과)
  • Kim, Hyun (Dept. of Fashion Design & Merchandising, Kongju National University)
  • 발행 : 2003.07.31


The purpose of this study is to obtain the symbolic meaning of the priestly costume through the Bible. Based on corroborative the Bible, this thesis analyzes the costume of priest. This compares the two onyx stones on the shoulder pieces with four rows of precious stones on the breastpiece. This era falls on about from the 15th century before Christ. It was found that the breastpiece was a piece of the same multicolored linen as in the ephod, a span square when folded double. It symbolizes righteousness. It hung on the high priest's chest, supported by two golden chains attached to the shoulder clasps. It symbolizes love. On the breastpiece were twelve beautiful jewels, arranged in four rows of three jewels, each jewel symbolizing one of the tribes of Israel. The variety of jewels on the breastpiece suggests the variety of people. Urim is the Hebrew word for 'lights' and therefore would logically be associated with bright or white stones. Thummim is the Hebrew word for 'perfection'. The high priest's ephod was made of gold, and of blue, purple, and scarlet yam, and of finely twisted linen. The golden yam symbolizes faith. The robe of the ephod was made entirely of blue cloth. The blue color symbolizes an obligation and life. The robe of the ephod symbolizes calling and dignity. The woven tunic symbolizes holy duty.
