교육시설물 유지관리업무 성능평가방안에 관한 연구

A Method of Maintenance Performance Evaluation of Educational Facilities

  • 손우경 (경희대학교 건축공학과) ;
  • 김장영 (경기도 교육청 시설과, 경희대) ;
  • 김선국 (경희대학교 토목건축공학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.15


It is important to estimate the capability for the facilities and the condition of schools continually and correctly because the structure's life is remained more longer through the effective building control and preservation. In accordance with above of that, it is required to understand the knowledge about all matters at the stage of management for educational facilities and establish the procedure of the facility management consistently. This research suggests the method, which remains consistent and objective and deals with the total functional degree by following ㄴthe way to systemize the management plan of the facility estimation. The functional estimation of the existing facilities will be useful to make an plan for repair, maintain and checking of them as well as be the standard for remodeling and the educational facility duration, including long period project for building mending.



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