메탄-공기 예혼합기에서의 층류 화염속도 및 화염두께 예측

Prediction of Laminar Burning Velocity and Flame Thickness in Methane-Air Pre-Mixture

  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


The thickness of flame and preheat zone from burning velocity which was computed by using Premix code of Chemkin program for methane-air mixture. Also the thickness was evaluated from temperature profile which is also obtained from Premix code for the equivalence ratio of 0.5 to 1.6. The computations were carried out for the laminar flame thickness and burning velocity under the unburned gas temperature 0.5bat-30bar and temperature of 300K-700K at ${\Phi}=l.0$. Comparison of the results showed no difference between these two methods. The flame thickness was decreased by increasing the pressure and temperature, but, the affect of pressure is more significant than the effect of temperature on the flame thickness. The thickness of preheat zone was about 66.5% of the flame thickness, and flame thickness and burning velocity were also predicted by using empirical equation.



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