A Semi-Implicit Integration for Rate-Dependent Plasticity with Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening

비선형 이동경화를 고려한 점소성 모델의 내연적 적분

  • 윤삼손 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과) ;
  • 이순복 (한국과학기술원 기계공학과)
  • Published : 2003.09.01


The prediction of the inelastic behavior of the structure is an essential part of reliability assessment procedure, because most of the failures are induced by the inelastic deformation, such as creep and plastic deformation. During decades, there has been much progress in understanding of the inelastic behavior of the materials and a lot of inelastic constitutive equations have been developed. The complexity of these constitutive equations generally requires a stable and accurate numerical method. The radial return mapping is one of the most robust integration scheme currently used. Nonlinear kinematic hardening model of Armstrong-Fredrick type has recovery term and the direction of kinematic hardening increment is not parallel to that of plastic strain increment. In this case, The conventional radial return mapping method cannot be applied directly. In this investigation, we expanded the radial return mapping method to consider the nonlinear kinematic hardening model and implemented this integration scheme into ABAQUS by means of UMAT subroutine. The solution of the non-linear system of algebraic equations arising from time discretization with the generalized midpoint rule is determined using Newton method and bisection method. Using dynamic yield condition derived from linearization of flow rule, the integration scheme for elastoplastic and viscoplastic constitutive model was unified. Several numerical examples are considered to demonstrate the efficiency and applicability of the present method.



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