Journal of the Korean Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology (대한임상전기생리학회지)
- Volume 1 Issue 1
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- Pages.1-15
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- 2003
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- 1738-0472(pISSN)
The Change of Spinal Motor Neuron Excitability by Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
신경근전기자극에 의한 척수운동신경원의 흥분성 변화
- Lee, Jeong-Woo (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Graduate School, Dongshin University) ;
Kim, Tae-Youl
(Dept. of Physical Therapy, Dongshin University) ;
Lee, In-Hak
(Dept. of Physical Therapy, Daejeon Health Science College) ;
- Lee, Joon-Hee (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Gachongil College)
- Published : 2003.09.30
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of neuromuscular electrical stimulation(NMES) on the alteration of spinal motor neuron excitability. In this article, I would like to experiment on a standard capacity of clinical electrophysiology, a difference in applying methods and a clinical efficiency of NMES by Nerve conduction velocity. We used normal eight subjects without neuromuscular disease and all subjects participated 3 session, which at least 1 week between session. Participants classified according to each group in Antagonist, Agonist, Antagonist-Agonist by the NMES. The test was measured continuously pre test, post-test, post 20 minute test by EMG including H reflex, F wave, motor nerve conduction velocity(MNCV). The following results were obtained; 1. H-reflex latencies and H/M intervals were significantly increased in agonist and antagonist-agonist group(p<.01). 2. H-reflex amplitudes and H/M ratios were significantly decreased in agonist and antagonist-agonist group(p<.01). In agonist group, H-reflex amplitudes and H/M ratios were more significantly decreased than antagonist group. 3. F-wave latencies were significantly increased in agonist and antagonist-agonist group(p<.01). F/M intervals were significantly increased in antagonist-agonist group(p<.01). F wave conduction velocities were significantly increased in agonist and antagonist-agonist group(p<.01) but F/M ratios were not significant. 4. MNCV were significantly decreased in agonist(p<.01). These results lead us to the conclusion that agonist and Antagonist-agonist was significantly decreased excitability of spinal motor neuron. Conversely, Antagonist does not decreased. Therefore, A further direction of this study will be to provide more evidence that NMES have an effect on excitability of spinal motor neurons in UMN syndrome.