Study on the Fire Hazard and Risk Analysis Derived from the Plant Configuration Change During the Shutdown Period at Nuclear Power Plants

  • Published : 2003.12.01


Fire hazard and risk analysis at Nuclear Power Plants is implemented on the basis of the normal operational configuration. This steady configuration, however, can be changed due to the temporary displacement of equipment, electric cable and irregular movement of workers through the fire compartments when the on-line maintenance is processed during the power operation mode or the scheduled outage mode for the refueling. With the consequence of this configuration change, the fire analysis condition and the evaluation result will be different from those that were analyzed based on the steady configuration. In this context, at this paper, the general items for the reassessment are categorized when the configuration has changed. The contemporary zone models for the detail fire analysis are also illustrated for their application for each classified condition.



  1. 10CFR 50 Appendix A : Guideline for Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plant
  2. 10CFR50 Appendix R : Fire Protection Program for Nuclear Power Facilities Operating Prior to January 1, (1979)
  3. 10CFR50.48 : Fire Protection
  4. NFPA-805 : Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants (2001 Edition)
  5. Fire Protection Handbook : NFPA and SFPE Fire Protection Engineering (2nd Edition), SFPE
  6. EPRI TR-100370 : 'Fire-Induced Vulnerability Evaluation (FIVE)', Final Report, April, (1992)
  7. CFAST : 'A User's Guide for FAST : Engineering Tools for Estimating Fire Growth and Smoke Transport (2000 edition)', US Department of Commerce, Technology Administration, NIST
  8. EPRI TR-1002981, 'Fire Modeling for Nuclear Power Plant Applications', August, 2002
  9. NUREG-1521 : 'Technical Review of Risk-Informed, Performance-Based Methods for Nuclear Power Plant Fire Protection Analysis'
  10. Regulatory Guide 1.174 : 'an Approach for Using Probabilistic Risk Assessment in Risk-Informed Decision on Plant-Specific Changes to the Licensing Basis'