Density Estimation of an Euphauiid (Euphausia pacifica) in the Sound Scattering Layer of the East China Sea

동중국해 음향 산란층내의 euphausiid (Euphausia pacifica) 밀도 추정

  • KANG Donhyug (Laboratory of Marine Environment and Resource Sensing, Hokkaido University) ;
  • HWANG Doojin (School of Fisheries and Ocean Science, Yosu National University) ;
  • SOH Hoyoung (Fisheries Sciences Institute, Yosu National University) ;
  • YOON Yangho (School of Fisheries and Ocean Science, Yosu National University) ;
  • SUH Haelip (Department of Oceanography, Chonnam National University) ;
  • KIM Yongju (School of Fisheries and Ocean Science, Yosu National University) ;
  • SHIN Hyunchul (School of Fisheries and Ocean Science, Yosu National University) ;
  • IIDA Kohji (Laboratory of Marine Environment and Resource Sensing, Hokkaido University)
  • 강돈혁 (북해도대학 수산과학연구과) ;
  • 황두진 (여수대학교 수산해양대학) ;
  • 서호영 (여수대학교 수산과학연구소) ;
  • 윤양호 (여수대학교 수산해양대학) ;
  • 서해립 (전남대학교 지구환경과학부) ;
  • 김용주 (여수대학교 수산해양대학) ;
  • 신현출 (여수대학교 수산해양대학) ;
  • Published : 2003.12.01


Hydroacoustic and open-closing zooplankton net survey were conducted to understand the characteristics of the sound scattering layer (SSL) and to estimate the density of an euphausiid (Euphausia pacifica) in the SSL, in the northwestern part of the East China Sea. The survey was carried out during July 6-9 2002 at 8 sampling stations for zooplankton. The virtual echogram technique was used to identify E. pacifica from all acoustic scatters. Mean volume backscattering strength difference $(MVBS_{120kHz-38kHz})$ and target strength equation for E. pacifica were derived from the Distorted-wave Born Approximation (DWBA) model. Although vertical migration of the SSL is similar to the general pattern, dispersion at night shows some differences. Estimated mean density using acoustic data ranged from $20.4-221.4\;mg/m^3$ over the whole depth, and $87.1-553.5\;mg/m^3$ in the SSL. The density using the zooplankton net ranged from $0.2-362.4\;mg/m^3$ and was not related to net deploying method. The results from the acoustic and net survey suggest that E. pacifica might be an important zooplankton community in the northwestern part of the East China Sea.



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