Seasonal Variation of Edible Portion Yield and Coefficient of Fatness of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) in Kamak Bay, Korea

  • Park Choon-Kyu (Department of Food Science and Technology, Yosu National University)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


In order to determined the appropriate processing season of Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas), 30 individuals cultured in Kamak Bay on the southern coast of Korea were taken bimonthly 7 times a year, and seasonal variation of edible portion weight, edible portion yield and coefficient of fatness were investigated. There were close relationships between edible portion weight (X) and total weight (Y) and between coefficient of fatness (X) and edible portion yield (Y), which were expressed in regression lines, i.e. Y=0.2709X-1.9094 (r=0.9254) and Y=44.0596X+ 15.1127 (r=0.8485), respectively. From the results of seasonal variation of edible portion weight, yield and coefficient of fatness, the appropriate processing season of raw Pacific oyster was between winter and spring, that is, between December and following April the next year.



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Cited by

  1. 통영-거제해역 수하연 양식 참굴(Crassostrea gigas)의 비만도 장기변화와 영향 요인 고찰 vol.54, pp.4, 2003,