장부병 변증에 대한 형상의학적 고찰

Diseases of Jang and Bu in Hyungsang Medicine

  • 김경철 (동의대학교 한의과대학, 동의대학교 한의학연구소) ;
  • 이용태 (동의대학교 한의과대학, 동의대학교 한의학연구소)
  • Kim Kyung Chul (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University) ;
  • Lee Yong Tae (Department of Physiology, College of Oriental Medicine, Research Institute of Oriental Medicine, Dongeui University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Clinical observation on the diseases of Jang(臟) and Bu(腑) comes to the conclusions as follows: Variation in Jang(臟) and Bu(腑) exists diversely with every man because man is a microcosmos resembling the great universe, 'Mother Nature'. If the patient has a distinctive features of Jang(臟) and Bu(腑) in configuration, the diseas must be caused by the problems of Jang(臟) and Bu(腑). Distinctive features of Jang(臟) and Bu(腑) can be recognized by the shape and color of face, ear, eye, mouth and nose. Distinctive features of Jang(臟) and Bu(腑) should be examined preferentially when it comes to old people, children and persons who have past record of surgical operation on Jang(臟) and Bu(腑) organs.



  1. 八十一難經解釋 成樂箕(編著)
  2. 芝山先生 臨床學特講 Ⅴ 大韓傳統學會(編)
  3. 芝山先生 臨床學特講 Ⅵ 大韓傳統學會(編)
  4. 芝山先生 臨床學特講 Ⅶ 大韓傳統學會(編)
  5. 皇帝內徑譯解(靈樞) 楊維傑(編)
  6. 皇帝內徑譯解(素問) 楊維傑(編),
  7. 醫部全錄 淸 陳夢雷(等編)
  8. 對譯東醫寶鑑 東醫寶鑑國譯委員會(譯)
  9. 芝山先生 臨床學特講 Ⅰ 大韓傳統學會(編)
  10. 芝山先生 臨床學特講 Ⅱ 大韓傳統學會(編)
  11. 芝山先生 臨床學特講 Ⅲ 大韓傳統學會(編)
  12. 芝山先生 臨床學特講 Ⅳ 大韓傳統學會(編)
  13. 素問硏究集成, 素問硏究集成刊行委員會