- ICD-10 정신 및 행동장애 분류 李符永 譯
- 신경정신과학 대한신경정신의학회 편
- J Neurogenet v.12 no.1 Somatic mutation analysis of the APP and Presenilin 1 and 2 genes in Alzheimer's desease brain Reznik-Wolf H;Machado J;Haroutuian V;DeMacro L;Walter GF;Goldman B;Davidson M;Johnston JA;Lannfelt L;Dani SU;Friedman E
- Nat Genet v.11 no.2 The structure of the presenilin 1 (SI82) gene and identification of six novel mutation in early onset AD families Alzheimer's disease collaborative group
- Brain Res v.593 no.2 Senile plaques in cerebral amyloid angiopathy show accumulation of amyloid precursor protein without cytoskeletal abnormailties Tabaton M;Cammarata S;Mandybur T;Richy P;Kawai M;Perry G;Gambetti P
- Acta Neuropathol (Berl) v.84 no.6 Immunocytochemistry of neurofibrillary tangles with antibodies to subregions of tau protein;identification of hidden and cleaved tau epitopes and a new phosphorylation site Dickson DW;Ksiezak-Reding H;Liu WK;Davies P;Crowe A;Yen SH
- Neuroscience v.95 no.1 Suppression of an amyliod beta peptide-mediated calcium chnnel response by a secreted beta-amyloid precursor protein Li WY;Butler JP;Hale JE;McClure DB;Little SP;Czilli DL;Simmons LK
- Science v.250 Neurotrophic and neurotoxic effects of amyloid beta protein,Reversal by tachykinin neuropeptides. Yankner BA;Duffy LK;Kirschner DA
- Exp Neurol v.127 Overexpression of a C-terminal portion of the beta-amyloid precursor protein in mouse brains by transplantation of transformed meuronal cells Fukuchi K;Kunkel DD;Schwartzkroin PA;Kamino K;Ogburn CE;Furlong CE;Martin GM
- J.Neurochem v.67 Neurotoxicity of a caroboxy terminal fragment of the Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein Kim SH;Suh YH
- Molecular Pharmacology v.52 Enhanced release of secreted form of Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein(ßAPP) in PC12 cells by nicotine Kim SH;Kim YK;Jeong SJ;Haass C;Kim YH;Suh YH
- J.Neurochem v.66 Membrane currents induced in Xenopus oocytes by the carboxyl terminal fragment of the amyloid precursor protein Fraser S;Suh YH;Chong YH;Djamgoz MA
- Annals of N Y Acad Sce v.786 Molecular physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology of Alzheimer's amyloid precursor protein(APP) Suh YH;Chong YH;Kim SH;Choi w;Kim KS;Jeong SJ (et al )
- J.Neurochemistry v.74 no.3 Effects of fragments of ß-amyloid precursor protein on parallel fiber-purkinje cell synaptic transmission in rat cerebellum Hartell NA;Suh YH
- Eur J Biochem v.225 Familial Alzheimer's disease cells abnormal abnormally accumulate bata-amyloid harbouring peptides preferentially in cytosol but not in extracelluar fluid Matsmoto A;Matsumoto R
- Nature v.387 no.6632 Impaired learning and LTP in mice expressing the carboxy terminus of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor protein Nalbantoglu J;Tirado-Santiago G;Lahsaini A;Poirier J;Goncalves O;Verge G (et al)
- Nat Ned v.6 no.4 A second cytotoxic proteolytic peptide derived from amyloid beta-protein precursor Lu DC;Rabizadeh S;Chandra S;Shayya RF;Ellerby LM Yex (et al)
- Neuroreport v.9 no.17 C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein inhibits calcium uptake into rat brain microsomes by Mg2+-Ca2+ ATPase Kim HS;CH Park;YH Suh
- 학위논문(석사) 아밀로이드 C단 단백질 투여에 의한 생쥐의 인지 기능과 대뇌피질 및 해마의 아세틸콜린의 변화에 대한 연구 최세훈
- 학위논문(석사) 아밀로이드 C단 단백질에 의한 신경교세포의 활성과 염증반응에 관한 신경독성연구 라종철
- Neuroreport v.1 no.9(17) C-terminal fragment of amyloid precursor protein inhibits calcium uptake into rat brain microsomes by Mg2+-Ca2+ ATPase Kim HS;Park CH;Suh YH
- FASEB J v.14 no.11 Carboxyl-terminal fragment of Alzheimer's APP destabilizes calcium homeostasis and renders neuronal cells vulnerable to excitotoxicity Kim HS;Park CH;Cha SH;Lee JH;Lee S;Kim Y;Rah JC;Jeong SJ;Suh YH
- 동의병리학회지 v.13 no.1 치매의 병리에 대한 동서의학적 고찰 강형원 외
- 동의신경정신과학회지 v.7 no.1 치매에 대한 문헌적 고찰 정인철;이상용
- 동의정신의학 김지혁;황의완
- 대한한방내과학회지 v.19 no.1 치매에 관한 최근의 연구 동향 나창수 외
- 釜山大學校 藥學硏究誌 v.29 no.2 녹차로부터 분리된 Epicatechin 3-O-Gallate의 항산화작용 기전에 관한 연구 백봉숙 외
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.17 no.1 左歸飮과 右歸飮에 의한 活性 酸素類의 消去작용과 抗酸化 酸素系의 活性 增加 효과에 대한 硏究 鄭智天
- 동의신경정신과학회지 v.10 no.1 麝香蘇合元이 Alzheimer's disease 모델 白鼠의 학습과 기억에 미치는 영향 황의완
- 동의신경정신과학회지 v.12 no.1 세심탕에 의한 뇌성상세포로부터 염증성세포활성물질의 분비 억제효과 김태헌;김준한;강형원;유영수
- 동의신경정신과학회지 v.12 no.2 생체외 알츠하이머병 실험모델에서 星香正氣散加蒲公英의 효과에 관한 연구 박진성;강형원;유영수
- 동의신경정신과학회지 v.11 no.2 益精地黃湯이 치매병태모델에 미치는 영향 최병만;이상룡
- 대전대학교 대학원 (박사) 導痰益氣活血湯이 Alzheimer's disease 병태 모델의 생화학적 변화 및 행동에 미치는 영향 정인철
- 동의생리병리학회지 v.16 no.5 釣鉤藤이 ßAPP과발현 인간세경아세포암에서의 항치매효과에 대한 연구 김상호;강형원;류영수
- 동양의학대사전 전통의학연구소 편
- 臨床本草學 辛民敎 (編著)
- Alzheimer's Disease In Pharmacotherapy a pathophysiologic approach Andrea Eggert;M.Lynn Crismon;Larry Ereshefsky;Dipiro J.T. (et al.Ed.)
- Neuron v.10 Evidence for excitoprotective and intraneuronal calcium-regulating roles for secreted forms of the ß-amyloid precursor protein Mattson MP;Cheng B;Culwell AR (et al)
- Apple Pathol v.2 no.6 The amyloid deposits in Alzheimer's disease:Their nature and pathogenesis Glenner GG;Wong CW;Quaranta V;Eanes ED
- Acta Neuropathol (Berl) v.62 no.4 Alzheimer neurofibrillary tangles:monoclonal antibodies to inherent antigen(s) Wang GP;Grundke-Iqbal I;Kascsak RJ;Iqbal K;Winsiewski HM
- J.Neuropathol Exp Neurol v.53 no.5 Alzheimer;s disease, A central role for amyloid Selkoe DJ
- 한국뇌학회지 v.1 no.1 베타 아밀로이드 형성에 관여하는 효소와 그를 응용한 알츠하이머병 치료법 개발 동향 정창환;정민환;묵인희
- Science v.235 The genetic defect causing familial alzheimer's disease maps on chromosome 21 George-hyslop,PH. (et al)
- J.Neurochem v.65 no.4 Processing of the beta-amyloid precursor protein and its regulation in Alzheimer's disease Checler F
- J.Neurochem v.64 no.5 Role of cyclic GMP in the regulation of neuronal calcium and survival by secreted forms of beta-amyloid precursor Barger SW;Fiscus RR;Ruth P;Hofmann F;Mattson MP
- Science v.2 no.258(5079) Production of the Alzheimer amyloid beta protein by normal proteolytic processing Shoji M;Glode TE;Ghiso J;Cheung TT;Estus S;Shaffer LM;Cai XD;McKay DM;Tintner R;Frangione B (et al)
- Proc Natl Acad Sci USA v.15 no.89(4) Identification of a stable fragment of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor containing the beta-protein in brain microvessels Tamaoka A;Kalaria RN;Lieberburg I;Selkoe DJ
- Neurobiol aging v.13 no.5 Lack of Alzheimer pathology after beta-amyloid protein injection in rat brain Games D;Khan KM;Soriano FG;Keim PS;Davis DL;Bryant K;Lieberburg I
- Am J Pathol v.142 no.1 Microinjection of synthetic amyloid beta-protein in monkey cerebral cortex fails to produce acute neurotoxicity Podlisny MB;Stephenson DT;Frosch MP;Tolan DR;Lieberburg I;Clemens JA;Selkoe DJ
- Neurobiol aging v.13 no.5 Implants containing beta-amyloid protein are ant neurotoxic to young and old rat brain Clemens JA;Stephenson DT
- Nature v.24 no.359(6393) Amyloid beta-peptides is produced by cultured cells during normal metabolism Haass C;Schlossmacher MG;Hung AY;Vigo-Pelfrey C;Mellon A;Ostaszewski BL;Liegergurg I;Koo EH;Schenk D;Teplow DB (et al)
- Nature v.11 no.347(6293) Formation of amyloid-likefibrils in COS cells overexpressing part of the Alzheimer amyloid precursor Maruyama K;Terakado K;Usami M;Yoshikawa K
- Science v.28 no.245(4916) Neurotoxicity of a fragment of the amyloid precursor associated with Alzheimer's disease Yankner BA;Dawes LR;Fisher S;Villa-Komaroff L;Oster-Granite ML;Neve RL
- Brain Res Mol Brain Res v.26 no.1-2 Cytotoxicity mediated by conditional expression of a carboxyl- terminal derivative of the beta-amyloid precursor protein Sopher BL;Jukuchi K;Smith AC;Lepping KA;Furlong CE;Martin GM
- Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. v.15 no.89(22) Deposition of beta/A4 immunoreactivity and neuronal pathology in transgenic mice. expressing the carboxyl-terminal fragment of the Alzhemier amyloid precursor in the brain Kammesheidt A;Boyce FM;Spanoyannis AF;Cummings BJ;Ortegon M;Cotman C;Vaught JL;Neve RL
- Crit Rev Neurobiol v.8 no.4 The neuropathology of the trisomy 16 mouse Lacey-Casem ML;Oster-Granite ML
- Neuroreport v.8 Block of late-phase long-term potentiation in rat hippocampus in vivo by amyloid precursor protein fragments Cullen WK;Suh YH;Anwyl R;Rowan MJ
- 대한침구학회지 v.16 no.1 침구자극이 치매과 연관된 melatonin 분비와 SOD 합성에 미치는 영향 이건목
- 동의신경정신과학회지 v.12 no.1 補益淸腦湯이 치매병태 모델에 미치는 영향 고태준;이상용
- 원지와 석창포의 단독 및 혼합투여가 백서의 뇌손상에 미치는 영향 康永祿
- 成均館大學校 大學院 博士學位論文 遠志 Saponin의 利尿效果 및 中樞抑制 作用에 關한 硏究 朴大圭
- 東醫神經精神科學會誌 v.10 no.1 遠志에 의한 腦 星狀細胞로부터 炎症性 細胞活性物質 分泌의 抑制 效果에 關한 硏究 황시영;강형원;유영수
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