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- 還魂散이 實驗的으로 誘發한 腫瘍 및 免疫學的 反應에 미치는 影響 宋孝元
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- 新中醫 v.25 no.11 中醫免疫思想及成就 傳芳
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- Immunology(4th Ed) Roitt, I.;Brostoff. J.;Male, D.
- 암의 진단과 치료 대한의학협회 분과학회협의회(편저)
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- 시험관 및 생체내 암세포(S-180YS)의 adriamycin에 대한 내성세포의 염색체 분포특성 이창혜
- J. Kor, Cancer Assoc. v.21 Clinical comparison with drug sensitivities by the human tumor clonogenic assay Kim, S.H.
- J. Kor. Cancer Assoc. v.22 In vitro chemsensitivity of doxorubicin on human cancer cell lines Park, C.G.;Lim, D.K.;Kook, Y.H.;Cha, C.R.;Paik, C.G.
- J. Cancer Res. v.47 no.10 Cell culture human colon adenomas and carcinomas Willson, J.K.V.;Bittner, G.N.;Oberley, T.D.;Meisner, L.F.;Weese, J.L.
- 東垣十種醫書 李東垣
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- 扶正抗癌湯의 抗腫瘍效果에 관한 實驗的 硏究 김병주
- J. Immunol. Methods v.65 no.1;2 Rapid colorimetric assay for cellular growth and survival : application to proliferation and cytotoxic assays Mosmann, T.
- J. Immunol. Methods v.129 no.1 A simple and rapid method to determine hematopoietic growth factor activity Kotnic, V.;Fleischmann, W.R.Jr.
- Proc. Nat1. Acad. Sci. v.75 no.6 Planning for lymphocytes ; A method for cell selection Wysocki, L.J.;Sato, V.L.
- J. Immunol. Methods v.122 no.6 Regulation of lymphocyte- activating factor(LAF) production and secretion in P388D1 cells ; identification of high molecular weight precursors of LAF Mizel, S.B.;Rosenstreich, D.L.
- Infect. Immun. v.59 no.9 Killing of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro by nitric oxide derivatives Rockett, K.A.;Awburn, M.M.;Cowden, W.B.;Clark, I.A.
- Cancer chemotherapy Reports v.48 Protocol for screening chemical Agents and Natural products against Animal Tumors and ather Biological system(Third Edition) , Geran, R.I.;Greenberg, N.H.;Macdinald, M.M.;Schumacher, A.M.;Abbott, B.J.
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- 儒門事親 張從正(著);구병수;이동원(譯)
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- Yakuyo Ninjin sono Kenkyu to Shinpo. Effects of Ginseng on cancer cell Odajima Yoshio
- Arch. Pharmacol. Res. v.8 no.4 Effect of antiyumor polysaccharides from Albizza julibrissin on Immune function Moon, C.K.;Lee, B.G.;Lee, S.W.;Kang, T.L.
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- Science v.235 Macrophage cytotoxicity role for L-arginine deaminase and imino nitrogen oxidation to nitrite Hibbs, J.B.;Taintor, R.R.;Vavrin, Z.
- Int. J. Hematol. v.60 no.1 Mechanism of leukemic cell lysis by activated human macrophages ; leukemic cells can be lysed without direct contact Nakabo, Y.;Harakawa, N.;Yamamoto, K.;Okuma, M.;Uni, K.;Sasada, M.
- Gastroenterology v.103 no.4 Neutrophil-mediated nitrosamine formation ; role of nitric oxide in rats Grisham, M.B.;Ware, K.;Gilleand, H.E.Jr.;Gilleland, L.B.;Abell, C.L.; Yamada, T.