청조구폐탕의 항암효과에 관한 연구

Effect of Chungjokupye-tang on the Anti-cancer Property

  • 박민철 (우석대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실) ;
  • 정한솔 (우석대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실) ;
  • 이광규 (우석대학교 한의과대학 병리학교실)
  • Park Min Chul (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University) ;
  • Jeong Han Sol (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University) ;
  • Lee Kwang Gyu (Department of Pathology, College of Oriental Medicine, Woosuk University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of Chungjokupye-tang(CJKPT) on the anti-carcinogenic action. The cell viability of mouse spienocytes and thymocytes were enhanced by the addition of CJKPT. CJKPT were increased of splenic and thymic T lymphocytes, such as T/sub H/ cells were markedly increased by the treatment of CJKPT in vivo. CJKPT treatment induced the apoptotic cell death of Jurkat and HL60 leukemia cells. CJKPT reduced mitochondrial transmembrane potential and increased the expression of ICE, c-myc and p53 gene in Molt-4cells dose dependant manner. These results suggest that CJKPT have an anti-carcinogenic action via immunoregulatory mechanism.



  1. 注解補注 黃帝內經素問(下卷) 金達鎬;李鍾馨
  2. 韓方臨床處方學 李尙仁(外 1인)
  3. 면역과 한방 안덕균(譯)
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