The Differences of Strategic Choice and Performance between Early Mover and Followers on Cyber Market

가상시장에서 선발기업과 후발기업의 전략선택과 성과에 대한 연구 - 닷컴기업 중심으로 -

  • Published : 2003.12.31


This research explores early mover advantages and performance in the cyber market based on an empirical test. It also examines whether early mover strategic capabilities are able to adopt mutually cumulative relationship in the cyber market. Early movers such as and seem to have been able to defy exclusive relationship between strategic capabilities. Compared with their followers such as and, they have been able to adopt strong focus, differentiation, and cost leadership strategies. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the differences in strategic choices based on the strategic capabilities and performance of online firms between early movers and followers. The study reviews early mover advantages and disadvantages, and a strategic typology based on Porter's model, as well as strategic capabilities based on the sand cone model.



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