Distribution of Fungi in the Sandy Soil of Egyptian Beaches

  • 발행 : 2003.06.30


The mycobiota of the sandy soil of Egyptian beaches was investigated in thirty six sand samples collected from nine different localities in Egypt. The filamentous fungi were identified and assigned to thirty one genera and fifty one species. Greater populations as well as a wider spectrum range of fungal genera and species were obtained in sandy soil of Alexandria beach while Balteem beach was the poorest one. The total count of the genus or species was not depended upon cases of isolation. Most of the genera detected belonged to the Deuteromycotina with fewer proportions belonging to the Ascomycotina and Zygomycotina. The genera of highest incidence and their respective numbers of species were: Penicillium(35.72%, 6 species) and Aspergillus(30.28%, 16 species). The species which showed the highest incidence in all cases was P chrysogenum, followed by P citrinum, A. flavus, Chaetomium murorum and Trichoderma viride. A few number of other genera and species were also detected.



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