한국 재래유산양(幼山羊)의 제2위와 제4위의 일령 별 발달과 상호관계에 관한 연구

Studies on Development of Reticulum and Abomasum with Age, and Their Relationship in Korean Native Young Goats

  • 하정기 (경상대학교 응용생명과학부 . 농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 이정규 (경상대학교 응용생명과학부 . 농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 장홍희 (경상대학교 응용생명과학부 . 농업생명과학연구원) ;
  • 김병우 (경상대학교 응용생명과학부 · 농업생명과학연구원)
  • Ha, J.K. (Divison of Applied Life Science . Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Lee, J.G. (Divison of Applied Life Science . Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Chang , H.H. (Divison of Applied Life Science . Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Kim, B.W. (Divison of Applied Life Science . Institute of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


본 연구는 한국재래 유산양(幼山羊)의 4개 위 형태 상호관계를 구명코자 실시한 연구의 일환으로서 제2위에 대한 12개 조사항목과 제4위에 대한 12개 조사항목간의 관계를 조사하였든 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다. 1) 제2위와 제4위간에서 구한 상관계수는 총 144개로서 그 중 114개 항목간에서 5%이상의 유의성이 인정되었다. 2) 제4위 중량의 조사항목이 제2위의 조사항목과 가장 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 3) 생체중과 제4위의 중량(r$_1$) 그리고 중심부소실의 상하길이와 제4위의 중량(r$_2$)간에서 구한 각각의 상관계수와 회귀직선방정식은 r$_1$=0.8954$^{**}$와 y=10.703+3.394X, 그리고 r$_2$=0.8430$^{**}$와 y=5.689+4.311X였다. 4) 흉위와 제4위 중량(r$_1$) 그리고 체장과 제4위 중량(r$_2$)간에서 구한 각각의 상관계수와 회귀 직선방정식은 r$_1$=0.8708$^{**}$와 Y=-17.219+1.227X, 그리고 r$_2$=0.8589$^{**}$와 Y=-17.616+1.290X 이었다.

This experiment was carried out to investigate the relationship of morphological characteristics between reticulum and abomasum of Korean native young goats age from 2 days to 150 days. Number of traits investigated in the reticulum in this experiment were 12[body weight, chest girth, body length, right and left reticulum length(R.L.), upper and lower reticulum length(U.L.), reticulum weight(R.W.), reticulum area(R.A.), upper and lower length of one polygon located at central part of reticulum(U.P.C.R.), right and left length of one polygon located at central part of reticulum(R.P.C.R.), thickness of polygon wall located at central part of reticulum(T.P.C.R.), thickness of polygon wall located at middle part of reticulum(T.P.M.R.), and thickness of polygon wall locared at edge part of reticulum(T.P.E.R.)] and items for abomasum were 12[length of between ostium omaso-abomasicum part and pylosica part in the abomasum(L.B.O.P.), broadest outer part of the abomasum(B.O.A.), weight of abomasum(W.O.A.), area of abomasum(A.O.A.), number of plicae abomasi in the abomasum(N.P.A.A.), thickness of abomasum well at cranial part(ostium omasoabomasicum) in the abomasum(T.A.C.A.), thickness of abomasum well at central part in the abomasum(T.A.P.A.), thickness of abomasum wall at light upper area of pylosica part in the abomasum(T.A.L.A.), length measured from the longest plica abomasi in the abomasum(L.L.P.A.), broadest measured from the longest plica abomasi in the abomasum(B.L.P.A.), area measured from the longest plica abomasi in the abomasum(A.L.P.A.), weight of longest plica abomasi in the abomasum(W.L.P.A.)]. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Number of coefficient of correlation obtained among 12 traits of the abomasum and 12 of the reticulum were 144, and coefficient of correlation of 114 were significant(P〈0.05). 2. Trait of abomasum weight have high correlation with 12 traits of reticulum. 3. Correlation coefficients and regression equation between body weight. VS. abomasum weight(r$_1$), and upper and lower length of one polygon located at central part of reticulum(U.P.C.R.) VS. abomasum weight(r$_2$) were r$_1$=0.8954$^{**}$ and Y=10.703+3.374X, r$_2$=0.8430$^{**}$ and Y=5.689+4.311X, respectively. 4. Correlation coefficients and regression equation between chest girth VS. abomasum weight(r$_1$), and body weight VS. abomasum weight(r$_2$) were r$_1$=0.8708$^{**}$ and Y=-17.219+1.227X, r$_2$=0.8589$^{**}$ and Y=- 17.616+1.290X, respectively.



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