Two-stage ML-based Group Detection for Direct-sequence CDMA Systems

  • Published : 2003.03.01


In this paper a two-stage maximum-likelihood (ML) detection structure for group detection in DS/CDMA systems is presented. The first stage of the receiver is a linear filter, aimed at suppressing the effect of the unwanted (i.e., out-of-grout) users' signals, while the second stage is a non-linear block, implementing a ML detection rule on the set of desired users signals. As to the linear stage, we consider both the decorrelating and the minimum mean square error approaches. Interestingly, the proposed detection structure turns out to be a generalization of Varanasi's group detector, to which it reduces when the system is synchronous, the signatures are linerly independent and the first stage of the receiver is a decorrelator. The issue of blind adaptive receiver implementation is also considered, and implementations of the proposed receiver based on the LMS algorithm, the RLS algorithm and subspace-tracking algorithms are presented. These adaptive receivers do not rely on any knowledge on the out-of group users' signals, and are thus particularly suited for rejection of out-of-cell interference in the base station. Simulation results confirm that the proposed structure achieves very satisfactory performance in comparison with previously derived receivers, as well as that the proposed blind adaptive algorithms achieve satisfactory performance.



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