Design of MPLS-based micro-mobility management protocol with QoS support

  • Published : 2003.01.01


In order to provide seamless wireless Internet service, the basic mobile IP protocol should be enhanced to solve packet loss problem from large registration latency because frequent handoffs occur in cellular networks. In this paper, we suggest a new micro-mobility management protocol based on MPLS while supporting Qos, and evaluate its performance using simulation. We use MPLS label switching techniuqe in cellular access networks to simplify location management and speed up packet transmission. We adopt context transfer procedure to minimize the delay needed to attain prior level of service after handoff Packet loss can be minimized during handoff by transmitting received packets from old BSLER to new BSLER using a spliced LSP between them. Simulation results show that the proposed MPLS-based micro-mobility management protocol provides a seamless handoff and supports QoS of user traffic.



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