쇼핑스타일, 판촉이용정도, 판촉에 의한 행동전환간의 관계

The Relationships between Shopping Styles, Promotion Usage, and Consequential Switching Behaviors

  • 이영미 (영남대학교 섬유패션학부) ;
  • 박경애 (영남대학교 섬유패션학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.01.01


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between shopping styles, promotion usage behaviors, and consequential switching behaviors. Specifically, it examined: 1) the effects of shopping styles on promotion usage and switching behaviors; and 2) the effects of promotion usage on switching behaviors. A total of 378 responses collected from a questionnaire survey were analyzed. Multiple regression analyses showed that loyalty, fashion prone, brand prone, brand prone, value prone, and hedonic shopping prone styles among the 7 shopping styles affected promotion usage behaviors, and brand prone, hedonic shopping prone, and price prone styles affected switching behaviors. Also, sales and sweepstakes among the 6 promotion usage behaviors affected switching behaviors.



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