Effect of Mixture Ratio Variation near Chamber Wall in Liquid Rocket Engine

  • Han, Poong-Gyoo (Space Div. Technical Research Institute, Hyundai MOBIS) ;
  • Kim, Kyoung-Ho (Space Div. Technical Research Institute, Hyundai MOBIS)
  • Published : 2003.11.30


An experimental research program is being undertaken to develop a regeneratively-cooled experimental thrust chamber of liquid rocket engine using liquefied natural gas and liquid oxygen as propellants. Prior to firing test using a regenerative cooling with liquefied natural gas in this program, several firing tests were conducted with water as a coolant. Experimental thrust chambers with a thrust of about 10tf were developed and their firing test facility was built up. Injector used in the thrust chamber was of shear-coaxial type appropriate for propellants of gas and liquid phase and cooling channels are of milled rectangular configuration. Periodical variation of the soot deposition and discoloration was observed through an eyes' inspection on the inner wall of a combustion chamber and a nozzle after each firing test, and an intuitive concept of the periodical variation of mixture ratio near the inner wall of a combustion chamber and a nozzle at once was brought about and analyzed quantitatively. Thermal heat flux to the coolant was calculated and modified with the periodical variation model of mixture ratio, and the increment of coolant temperature at cooling channels was compared with measured one.



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