Temporal Dynamics and Patterning of Meiofauna Community by Self-Organizing Artificial Neural Networks

  • Lee, Won-Cheol (Department of Life Science, Hanyang University) ;
  • Kang, Sung-Ho (Korea Polar Research Institute(KOPRI), KORDI) ;
  • Montagna Paul A. (Marine Science Institute, The University of Texas at Austin) ;
  • Kwak Inn-Sil (Department of Life Science, Hanyang University)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.30


The temporal dynamics of the meiofauna community in Marian Cove, King George Island were observed from January 22 to October 29 1996. Generally, 14 taxa of metazoan meiofauna were found. Nematodes were dominant comprising 90.12% of the community, harpacticoid 6.55%, and Kinorhynchs 1.54%. Meiofauna abundance increased monthly from January to May 1996, while varying in abundance after August 1996. Overall mean abundance of metazoan meiofauna was $2634ind./10cm^2$ during the study periods, which is about as high as that found in temperate regions. Nematodes were most abundant representing $2399ind./10cm^2$. Mean abundance of harpacticoids, including copepodite and nauplius was $131ind./10cm^2$ by kinorhynchs $(26ind./10cm^2)$. The overall abundance of other identified organisms was $31ind./10cm^2$ Other organisms consisted of a total of 11 taxa including Ostracoda $(6ind./10cm^2)$, Polycheata $(7ind./10cm^2)$, Oligochaeta $(8ind./10cm^2)$, and Bivalvia $(6ind./10cm^2)$. Additionally, protozoan Foraminifera occurred at the study area with a mean abundance of $263ind./10cm^2$. Foraminiferans were second in dominance to nematodes. The dominant taxa such as nematodes, harpacticoids, kinorhynchs and the other tua were trained and extensively scattered in the map through the Kohonen network. The temporal pattern of the community composition was most affected by the abundance dynamics of kinorhynchs and harpacticoids. The neural network model also allowed for simulation of data that was missing during two months of inclement weather. The lowest meiofauna abundance was found in August 1996 during winter. The seasonal changes were likely caused by temperature and salinity changes as a result of meltwater runoff, and the physical impact by passing icebergs.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Spatial Characteristics of Meiobenthic Community of Kongfjorden Sediment in the Svalbard Island, the Arctic Sea vol.27, pp.3, 2005,
  2. The Community Structure of Meiofauna in Marian Cove, King George Island, Antarctica vol.33, pp.3, 2011,