중소기업용 ERP S/W 적용방법에 관한 연구

A Study on ERP application Method in Small & Medium Enterprises

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


In recent years, environments of business are changing due to epoch-making development of information technology and the advent of digital economy ages. It is an active confrontation as to the environments for information. Unlike the large scale enterprises in those days, hower, many small & medium enterprises especially the enterprises which are engaged in the manufacturing industry-aren't participate in information's rank due to the lack of funds, manpower, insufficient management environments, and manager or staff's lack of cognition as to information. So, this paper make a base of establishment for ISP through the establishment of ERP that is used to management activity for small & medium manufacturing enterprises. A way for small & medium enterprises' ERP construction is SMERP S/W for the small & medium enterprises' ERP package which is offered by the Korea chamber of commerce & industry. And, that is applied to the real management environment.



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