Status of Prevention on Health Obstacle in Industries with Confined Space

밀폐공간작업으로 인한 건강장해예방을 위한 사업장실태 조사

  • Published : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this study is to know the status of prevention on health obstacle in industries with confined space. Total 190 respondents, 95 safety or health managers and 95 confined space workers from 95 industries with confined space are surveyed by hygienists from April 2003, to July 2003. The contents of survey include health-work program in confined space, instrument of oxygen sampling, equipment of ventilation, safety and health education, watching manager, head count, awakening of risk, air condition and emergency training. The results are as follows: 1. It is found 38% of respondents established health-work program in confined space. The percentage of respondents with instrument of oxygen sampling and equipment of ventilation, operation of safety and health education, posting of watching man and operation of head count are 42%, 35%, 75%, 46% and 56%, respectively. 2. The percentage of awakening of risk, confirm of air condition and operation of emergency training are 36%, 25% and 15%, respectively.



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