- 臨床中風學 金永錫
- Progress in Brain Res. v.63 Selective vulnerability of the hippocampus to ischemia-reversible and irreversible types of ischemic cell damage KIrino T;Tamura A;Sano K
- Neuroscience v.35 Free radical generation during brief period of cerebral ischemia may trigger delayed neuronal death Kitagawa K;Matsumoto M;Oda T;Niinobe M;Hata R;Handa N;Fukunaga R;Isaka Y; Kimura K;Maeda H;Mikoshiba K;Kamada T
- Am J. Physiol. v.263 Oxygen radicals in cerebral ischemia Nelson CW;Wei EP;Povlishock JT;Kontos HA;Moskowitz MA
- Neuron v.2 Glutamate neurotoxicity and disease of the nervous system Choi DW.
- J. Neurosci. v.4 Synaptic release of excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter medicats anoxic neuronal death Rothmman SM.
- J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. v.4 Calcium overload in selectively vulnerable neurons of the hippocampus during and after ischemia. an electron microscopy study in the rat Simon RP;Griffith t;Evans MC;Swan JH;Meldrum BS
- Cerebrovasc Brain Metab. Rev. v.6 Nitric oxide and focal cerebral ischemia : multiplicity of actions and diverse outcome Dawson DA.
- Trends Neurosci. v.20 Dark and bright sides of nitric oxide in ischemic brain injury Iadecola C.
- Stroke v.24 Interleukin-1 beta mRNA expression in ischemic rat cortex Liu T;McDonnell PC;Young PR;White RF;Siren AL;Hallenbeck JM;Barone FC;Feurestein GZ
- J. cereb. Blood Flow Metabol. v.18 Reduced ischemic brain injury in Interleukin-1 beta converting enzyme-deficient mice Schielke GP;Yang GY;Shivers BD;Betz AL
- Stroke v.26 Cerebral hypoxia ischemia stimulates cytokine gene expression in perinatal rats Szaflarski J;Burtrum D;Silverstein F
- 蘇合香元이 白鼠의 뇌손상에 미치는 영향 김순신
- 동국한의학연구소논문집 v.7 no.2 六一順氣湯 抽出物이 생쥐의 全腦虛血에 미치는 영향 정승현;신길조;이원철
- 한의학회지 v.18 no.1 蘇合香元이 실험적 뇌경색 흰쥐의 국소뇌혈류량 및 경색 면적에 미치는 영향 최은정;신길조;이원철
- 한방성인병학회지 v.4 no.1 흰쥐의 중대뇌동맥 폐쇄후 大造丸 투여가 대뇌반구 및 시상위축에 미치는 영향 조규선;이원철;윤상협
- 동국노총 v.37 흰쥐의 중대뇌동맥 폐쇄후 黃連解毒湯 투여가 대뇌반구 및 시상위축에 미치는 영향 김선영;윤상협;이원철
- 星香正氣散이 흰쥐의 뇌손상에 미치는 영향 유종삼
- 대한약전 및 대한약전외 한약규격주해 지형준
- Anal Biochem. v.72 A rapid and sensitive method for the quantitation of microgram quantities of protein utilizing the principle of protein-dye binding Bradford MM.
- Biol. Chem. v.244 Mccord JM;Fridovich LJ
- Methods in enzymatic analysis Catalase in vitro Hugo A.
- CRC Handbook of Methods for Oxygen Radical Research Oxidative enzymes in tissue homogenate Maestro RD;McDonald W
- Anal Biochem. v.95 Assay for lipid peroxides in animal tissues by thiobarbituric acid reaction Ohkawa H;Ohishi K;Yagi K
- 神農本草經 孫星衍(輯)
- Arch. Pharm. Res. v.14 Pharmacological Activities of Water Extracts of Mitotic Poisons Kim CM;Heo MY;Kim HP;Sin KS;P. Pachaly
- 구릿대뿌리(白芷)의 抗菌活性 成分에 關한 硏究 권용수
- 유전 제2권 Apoptosis의 조절인자:Bcl-2계열 오영준;최원석
- Brain Res. v.843 Evaluation of lipid peroxidation, cathepsin L and acid phosphatase activities in experimental brain ischemia reperfusion Islekel H;Islekel S;Guner G;Ozdamar N
- Int J Devl Neurosci. v.13 Age-related changes in antioxidant enzymes, superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione in different regions of mouse brain Hussain S;W slikker;Ali SF
- Canadian Journal of Biochemistry v.57 The biosynthesis of catalase Ruis H.
- Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology v.72 Understanding the structure and function of catalases: clues from molecular evolution and in vitro mutagenesis Marcel Zamocky;Franz Koller
- Biochemical Society Transactions v.24 Glutathione in disease Harding JJ;Blakytny R;Ganea E
- Methods in Enzymatic Analysis v.8 Glutathione and glutathione disulphide Griffith OW.
- Biochemical Society Transactions v.24 Glutathione in disease Harding JJ;Blakytny R;Ganea E
- Brain Res. v.239 Delayed neuronal death in the gerbil hippocampus following ischemia Kirino T.
- Neurology v.37 Delayed hippocampal damage in human following cardiores piratory arrest Petito CK;Feldmann E;Pulsinelli WA;Plum F
- Acta Neuropathol(Berl). v.80 Selective vulnernability in the gerbil hippocampus: morphological change after 5-min ischemia and long survival times Bonnekoh P;Barbier A;Oschlies U;Hossmann KA