Effect of APB-01 on the Ultraviolet-Induced Photoaging and Wrinkle Formation in the Hairless Mice

Hairless Mice를 이용한 광노화 모델에서 APB-01의 경구반복투여에 의한 피부주름개선 효과 시험

  • 이지해 ((주)태평양기술연구원 의약건강연구소) ;
  • 이병석 ((주)태평양기술연구원 의약건강연구소) ;
  • 변범선 ((주)태평양기술연구원 의약건강연구소) ;
  • 김완기 ((주)태평양기술연구원 의약건강연구소) ;
  • 이상준 ((주)태평양기술연구원 의약건강연구소) ;
  • 심영철 ((주)태평양기술연구원 의약건강연구소) ;
  • 김배환 ((주)태평양기술연구원 의약건강연구소)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


Ultraviolet (UV) is thought to induce erythema, sun-burn, photo-toxicity, photo-allergy, photo-aging and sometimes skin tumor. To investigate the photo-protective effects of APB-01 (Amore-Pacific Beauty-01, the mixture of Jaummi-dan and Fujiflavone P10) on UV-induced skin damage, forty of SKH hairless female mice were orally administered with APB-01 or saline fifth a week, and irradiated with UV third a week for up to ten weeks. We examined the relationship between visible changes and skin damage in the dermis and epidermis. In the APB-01 treated group, a better skin and less wrinkles formation were observed when compared to the UV control group. This results demonstrated that oral administration of APB-01 seems to have photo-protective effects on UV-induced skin damage of hairless mice due to an inhibitory effect on collagen breakdown, and the model using hairless mice is very useful to investigate the efficacy of functional beauty foods.



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