항만자치시대 부산항 항만물류행정에 대한 연구

A Study on the Port Logistics Administration of the Port of Busan in the Era of Port Authority

  • 손애휘 (부산광역시의회 정책연구실)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The current legislation of the Port Authority which empowers the central government to control finance, personnel management, business of the Port Authority should be amended to allow the Port Authority to exercise its authority over port management and operation by gaining authority from the central government. In addition, to enhance Busan port's competitiveness and for a successive activation of the Susan Port Authority, it is necessary for the BPA to develop its new business and for the Busan Metropolitan City to establish both the department of Port Logistics and relevant regulations. The central government should also support and cooperate with the BPA rather than controlling the Authority.
