간호의 미학적 접근에 대한 비판적 해석

A Critical Interpretation of Aesthetical Approach to Nursing

  • 공병혜 (조선대학교 의과대학 간호학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


Purpose: The purpose of the study was to interpretate Caper's view of the aesthetical approach to nursing, to discover problems of her arguments, and to ultimately expand the horizon of the aesthetical thinking of nursing. Method: By means of the critical interpretation of Caper's paper, problems of her arguments were discovered. This then was suggested was the proper way of the aesthetical approach to nursing. Result: Caper's arguments of aesthetics were seen to be confused, regarding the pattern of the nursing art and the relationship between aesthetical knowing and practical art, and to have no the nursing's perspective as moral art. The proper paradigm for the distinct thinking of the nursing aesthetics could be offered here through applying some aesthetical theories as follows; a mode of aesthetical knowing could be characterized as emphatical awareness in relationship between nurse and client, and a practical art of nursing understood as moral art in sense of the expression of the human dignity. Conclusion: This study suggested fundamental theme for the proper aesthetical approach to nursing in view of the aesthetical knowing and the practical art. The horizon of the aesthetical thinking in nursing can be expended through the inquiry into aesthetical theories which offer theoretical the base for nursing as an art.



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