당뇨환자의 자기관리행위 및 자기효능감에 대한 추후 전화상담의 효과

The Effects of Telephone Consulting Follow-up on Self care behaviors and Self-efficacy in Diabetic Patients

  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


This study was conducted to identify the effects of telephone consulting follow- up on self care behaviors and self efficacy in diabetic patients after discharge. The subjects for this study were consisted of 39 patients and twenty subjects assigned to the experimental group received the telephone consulting follow-up after discharge once a week during 4 weeks with diabetic education before discharge and nineteen subjects assigned to the control group received diabetic education before discharge without telephone consulting follow-up. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The experimental group which received the telephone consulting had higher self care behaviors scores than the control group (t=4.92, p=.00). 2. The experimental group which received the telephone consulting had higher self efficacy scores than the control group (t=4.71, p=.00). 3. The relationship between self efficacy and self care behaviors showed a significant correlation in the subjects. In conclusion, the telephone consulting follow-up improved self care behaviors and self efficacy, therefore this intervention can be effective in promoting the care of diabetic patients



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