Health Education Strategies for Adoption of Moderate Drinking Habits among Rural Residents

농촌주민의 적정음주를 위한 보건교육 전략

  • Published : 2003.09.01


This study, based on stages of behavioral change, was aimed at suggesting strategies for the adoption of moderate drinking habits for community-based health education designed to help rural people. An interview survey was conducted during the period from March 4 to April 5, 2002 by sampling 467 rural people living in 6 villages covered by a public healthcare clinic. The results of this study can be summarized as follows; 1. The perceived non-moderate drinkers were less prepared for behavioral change. 2. The heavier drinking habits were ‘drinking alone’, ‘meals accompanied by drinking’ and ‘drinking twice or more at a time’. The agricultural off-season and the custom of brewing liquor at home were negative environmental factors for moderate drinking. 3. The predisposing factors affecting moderate drinking were recognition of health, expectation of the drinking effect, etiquette encouraging overdrinking and control of drinking. The reinforcing factors were stress from ordinary life and perception of being loved. The enabling factor was accessibility to the public healthcare clinic. 4. Rural residents are less motivated to participate in health education for moderate drinking. Based on the above findings, health education strategies for each stage can be suggested as follows: 1) Pre-contemplation stage: improvement of perception, motivation, sharing of experiences, and reawakening. 2) Contemplation/preparation stag e: measurement of value, departure from the inertia against a change, formation of a habit, and reinforcement of the behavior. 3) Action/maintenance stage: creation of a social atmosphere, encouragement of participation, change of life style, and improvement of environment.



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