Development of a Web-based Vibration Analysis System for a Rotary Compressor

웹기반 회전식 압축기 진동해석 시스템 개발

  • Published : 2003.09.01


This paper introduces a Web-based vibration analysis system for rotary-type refrigerator compressors. Concern for vibration reduction in compressors has been growing for many years. What is important in vibration reduction is to easily predict the vibration without using a physical compressor. The dynamic model of the compressor is represented as a multi-body dynamic system. Solving the dynamic model is run on a high-performance server. The interfaces of the system are accessible via Web browsers, such as Netscape or Explorer. Anyone who wants to analyze the vibration of the rotary compressor or share the results data can access the system over the Internet regardless of their OS, platform, or location.



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