철골조 한옥 역사를 위한 디데일 개발 사례 연구

A study on the steel structure detail for railway station of Korean traditional style

  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


This paper was to find out the design methodology for korean railway station of steel structure using by wooden structure system. Traditionally Korean architecture was made by wooden structure system what is called Gong-Po (wooden bracket structure system). The abundant ornament of Korean architecture is resulted from the composition rule of Gong-Po(wooden bracket structure system). But Korean wooden structural system have a limit in constructing large building, for example railway station, airport terminal, convention center etc. It is needed to convert wooden structure system into steel structure system. But there are many differences between wooden structure and steel structure in texture, material strength, joint system of elements etc. In this paper, we will show you how to make a joint system for steel structure of railway station and how to present the traditionality of Korean architecture in railway station.



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