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- 한국의 사회지표 통계청
- Journal of Marriage and family v.45 Adult daughters' relationships with their moters Baruch,G.;Barnet,R.C.
- Intergenerational relationships The multi-generation family : Concepts and findings Bengtson,V.L.;Mangen,D.J.;Landry,P.H.;V.Garms-Homolova(ed.);E.M.Hoering(ed.);D.Schaeffer(ed.)
- Handbook of Reaserch Instruments in Social Gerontology Parent-child relations Bengtson,V.L.;Schrader,S.S.;J.Mangen(ed.);W.A.Peterson(ed.)
- The Gerontologist v.25 Parent care as a normative family stress Bordy,E.M.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.32 Satisfaction with various aspects of marriage over the life cycle : Arandom middle class sample Burr,W.R.
- Family relationships in later life Adult children and their elderly parents Cicirelli,V.G.;T.H.Brubaker(ed.)
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.45 Adult children's attachment and helping behavior to elderly parents: A path model Cicirelli,V.G.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.45 no.1 Mother and Mother-in-law Fischer,L.R.
- Social Sciences v.46 no.4 A tow-factor Model of caregiving Appraisal and Psychological Well-being Lawton,M.P.;Moss,M.;Kleban,M.H.;Glicksman,A.;Rovine,M.
- Family Relations v.34 Caregiving and the experience of subjective and objective burden Montgomery,R.J.V.;Gonyea,J.C.;hooyman,N.R.
- Psychological Reports v.56 Criterion-related validity of the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale Schumm,W.R.;Anderson,S.;Benigas,J.;McCutchen,M.;Griffin,C.;Race,G.
- The Gerontologist v.17 Filial responsibility expectations and morale among aged parents Seelbach,W.C.;Sauer,W.J.
- The Gerontologist v.32 no.2 Gender differences in adult child contact among black elderly parents Spitze,G.;Miner,S.
- Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences v.44 Other roles of caregivers: Competing responsibilities or supportive resources Stoller,E.P.;Publiesi,K.L.
- Journal of Marriage and Family v.50 Explaining intergenerational conflict when adult children and elderly parents live together Suitor,J.J.;Pillemer,K.
- The Gerontologist v.30 no.5 A new look at filial piety : Ideals and practices of family-centered parent care in korea Sung,K.
- Family Relations v.41 no.1 Perceived reciprocity in family caregiving Walker,A.J.;Pratt,C.C.;Oppy,N.C.
- Psychology and Aging v.5 no.4 Relationship orientation, quality of prior relationship, and distress among caregivers of Alwheimer's patients Williamson,E.M.;Schulw,R.