- 암석학회지 v.6 충주 계명산지역 옥천변성대의 화성 활동과 지질구조 강지훈;류충렬
- 암석학회지 v.1 보은 지역의 옥천 변성염기성암에 대한 암석·지구화학적 연구 권성택;이동호
- 광산지질 v.24 옥천 각섬암의 Sm-Nd 동위원소 연구: 예비보고서 권성택;鑒晶榮
- 1/5만 충주도폭 지질설명서와 지질도 김기완;이홍규
- 광산지질 v.1 충주-문경간의 옥천계의 층서와 구조 김옥준
- 광산지질 v.2 남한 중부지역의 지질과 지대구조 김옥준
- 지질학회지 v.31 충주 지역에 분포하는 변성 암류의 K-Ar연대: 원생대 말기(675 Ma)의 옥천대 변성작용 민경원;조문섭;권성택;김인준;K.Nagao;E.Nakamura
- 자원환경지질 v.28 충주지역 희토류 광상의 성인: 산출상태와 지화학적 특성 박맹언;김근수
- 옥천층군에서 산출되는 고생물-이종혁교수 정년퇴임 기념논집 서광수;이하영
- 연세논총 v.11 옥천계 지질시대 결정에 관한 연구 이대성
- 옥천누층군의 지질. 서남 옥천대의 지질-이종혁교수 정년퇴임 기념논집 이종혁
- 암석학회지 v.11 중부 영남육괴 김천일대 선캠브리아기 편마암의 저어콘 화학연대 이호선;송용선;박계헌
- 대한지질학회추계학술발표회 초록집 v.77 장계-장수 지역의 영남육괴 선캠브리아 기반암류에 대한 SHRIMP U-Pb 저어콘 연대 측정: 고원생대의 지질사건 조등룡;김유봉
- 대한지질학회추계학술발표회 초록집 v.76 경기육괴 포천 지역의 흑운모 편마암과 우백질 화강암맥에 대한 SHRIMP U-Pb 저어콘 연대 측정 : 광역변성작용 연령 및 퇴적시기의 제한 조등룡;김용준
- 암석학회지 v.11 중부 옥천변성대의 변성진화: 최근의 연구결과 논평 및 문제점 조문섭;김현철
- Annu. Meet. Min. Pet. Econ. Gelo. Jpn. (Abstr.) v.183 Sedimentation and metamorphism of the Ogcheon Belt in the Korean Peninsula Adachi,M.;Suzuki,K.
- Chemical Geology v.200 TEMORA 1: a new zircon standard for U-Pb geochronology Black,L.P.;Kamo,S.L.;Allen,C.M.;Aleinikoff,J.N.;Davis,D.W.;Korsch,R.J.;Foudoulis,C.
- C. R. Acad. Sci. Ser. Ⅱ v.309 Le diagramme La/10-Y/15-Nb/8: un outil pour la discrimination des series vol-caiques et la mise en evidence des procesus de melange et/ou de contamination crustale Cabanis,B.;Lecolle,M.
- J. Southeast Asian Earth Sci. v.13 Collisional orogene between north and south China and its eastern extension in the Korean Peninsula Chang,E.Z.
- Earth Sci. Rev. v.52 Tectonic and sedimentary evolution of the Korean peninsula: a review and new view Chough,S.K.;Kwon,S.T.;Ree,J.H.;Choi,D.K.
- Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. v.96 Strontium isotopic equilibrium during metamorphism of tillites from the Ogcheon Belt,South Korea Cliff,R.A.;Jones,G.;Choi,W.C.;Lee,T.J.
- Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Sciences v.7 Ordovician bimodal magmatism in the Ogcheon belt(South Korea): intracontinental rift-related volcanic activity Cluzel,D.
- Tectonophysics v.183 Geodynamics of the Ogcheon belt(South Korea) Cluzel,D.;Cadet,J.P.;Lapierre,H.
- Tectonics v.10 Early Middle Paleozoic intraplate orogeny in the Ogcheon Belt(Seouth Korea): A new insight on the Paleozoic buildup of East Asia Cluzel,D.;Jolivert,L.;Cadet,J.P.
- Canad. J. Earth Sci. v.8 A guide to the chemical classification of the common igneous rocks Irvine,T.N.;Baragar,W.R.
- Korea. J. Sci. Hiroshima Univ. Series C v.10 Tectonic Evolution of the Ogcheon Zone as Inferred from the Geological Structures of the Chungju-Jangseonri Area Kang,J.H.
- Geology v.23 Ndisotopic study of Precambrian basement of Seouth Korea: Evidence for Early Archean crust? Lan,C.Y.;Lee,T.;Zhou,X.H.;Kwon,S.T.<0249:NISOPB>2.3.CO;2
- Geology of Korea. Geol. Soc. Korea Lee,D.S.
- Geochem. J. v.31 Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic systematics of the Ogcheon amphibolites from the central Ogcheon belt, Korea: implication for the source heterogeneity Lee,K.S.;Chang,H.W.
- Precambrian Research v.89 Neoproterozoic bimodal volcanism in the central Ogcheon belt, Korea: age and tectonic implication Lee,K.S.;Chang,H.W.;Park,K.H.
- Earth Planet Sci. Lett. v.173 The breakup of Rodinia: did it start with a mantle plume beneath South Korea? Li,Z.X.;Li,X,H.;Kinny,P.D.;Wang,J.
- J. Pet Soc. Korea v.2 High-P metamorphic belt in central China and its possible eastward extension to Korea Liu,X.
- In 4th IGCP 321 Abstract Volume The Triassic Qinling-Dabie collision and Ultrahigh-P metamorphism in East-Central China: Implication for a similar collision in the Korean Peninsula Liou,J.G.;Zhang,R.Y.;Ernst,W.G.
- User's manual for Isoplot/Ex, Version 2.10, A geochronological toolkit for Microsoft Excel. no.1a Ludwig,K.R.
- SQUID 1.00, A User's manual no.2 Ludwig,K.R.
- Lithos v.43 Metamorphic evolution of the northwestern Ogcheon Metamorphic belt, South Korea Min,K.;Cho,M.
- Continental Basalts and mantle Xenoliths Role of sub-continental lithosphere in magma genesis at active continental margins Pearce,J.A.;Hawkes-Worth,C.J.(ed.);Norry,M.J.(ed.)
- Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. v.19 Tectonic setting of basic volcanic rocks using trace element analysis Pearce,J.A.;Cann,J.R.
- Tectonics v.20 Pre- and post-tectonic emplacements of the granitoids in the central-southern Okchon belt, South Korea: implications for the timing of the strike-slip shearing and thrusting Ree,J.H.;Kwon,S.H.;Park,Y.;Kwon,S.T.;Park,S.H.
- Rept. Geol. Mineral. Explor., Geol. Min. Inst. Korea v.1 The geology of the Hwanggangni Mining District, Republic of Korea Reedman,A.J.;Fletcher,C.J.N.;Evans,R.B.;Workman,D.R.;Yoon,K.S.;Ryu,H.S.;Jeong,S.H.;Park,J.N.
- Magmatism in the Ocean Basins. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ. v.42 Chemical and isotopic systematics of oceanic basalt: implications for mantle composition and process Sun,S.S.;McDonough,W.F.;Saunders,A.D.(ed.);Norry,M.J.(ed.)
- Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union v.37 Discordant uranium-lead ages. Wetherill,G.W.
- Reviews in Economic Geology v.7 U-Th-Pb Geochronology by Ion Microprobe. Applications of microanalytical techniques to understanding mineralizing processes Williams,I.S.;McKibben,M.A.(ed.);Shanks Ⅲ,W.C.(ed.);Ridley,W.I.(ed.)
- Chem. Geol. v.20 Geochemical discrimination of differentitioon products using immobile elements Winchester,J.A.;Floyd,P.A.