이식 시기와 초종에 따른 잔디뿌리의 활착력

Rooting-Potential of Sod by Transplanting Time and Turfgrass Species

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


본 연구는 이식 후 경기를 수용할 수 있는 잔디의 생육기간과 잔디뿌리의 활착 요구기간을 측정함으로써 2002년 월드컵 잔디그라운드 조성 공사에서 발생될 문제를 예측하고 이를 해결하는데 필요한 자료를 얻기 위하여 1998년부터 2000년까지 2년에 걸쳐 월드컵 경기장과 동일한 지반에서 포장실험을 실시하였다. 한지형잔디와 한국잔디 모두 묘포장의 뗏장에서 경기장 그라운드로의 이식시기는 잔디의 활착력과 근계 발달에 직접적인 영향을 미쳤으며 초종에 따라 그 영향은 달리 나타났다. 한국잔디로 그라운드를 조성하려면 한지형잔디와 달리 충분한 양생기간을 확보한 적기에 뗏장을 식재하는 것이 좋았다. 또한 동계 간 보온 등의 관리가 수반되면 지하부의 발육과 근계 활착이 동계에도 지속되어 활착력이 조기에 증가하는 것을 알 수 있었다.

A series of studies was conducted during 2 years to investigate the effect of transplanting time and turfgrass species on turf establishment rate of sod for 2002 World Cup Soccer ground construction. The required period of rooting and turf growth for acceptable soccer playing quality on transplanted sod from nursery was tested to collect data for the project authorities of hosting cities and construction companies who were involved in World Cup stadium project. Transplanting time significantly affects on rooting-potential of sod on cool season grass and zoysiagrass, but those effects differently showed by turfgrass species. The enough nursing period for the ground established by Zousiagrass should be secured with proper transplanting time. And the thermal insulation on the turf canopy with other maintenance during Winter should improve the early rooting on zoysiagrass. The sod contained Kentucky bluegrass (85%+15% perennial ryegrass, seed wt. basis) showed relatively slow at the early growth and rooting-potential of root, but the potential resulted higher than that of perennial ryegrass turf (85%+15% Kentucky) under longer nursing period. Kentucky bluegrass has one of the most strong resistance against environmental stresses, but intensive maintenance practise should be required when the turf transplanted during summer season. Higher mixture rate of perennial ryegrass sod has a rapid root growth compare with other turfgrass species. The rate provided a benefit to an early establishment of turf ground followed by a proper maintenance practise. For the completion of World Cup soccer ground construction for 2002, the most suitable time for sod transplanting in 2001 was March to May or mid Sept. to early Oct. by delayed architect construction schedule.



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