Spore-Pollen Specters of Deed Turnn Lake Terrace, Darkhad Depression, Mongolia

  • Punsalpaamuu, G. (Laboratory of Palynology, State Pedagogical University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


Pollen and spores as well as their morphological characteristics are biological stability materials in which contains historical information about vegetation and climate changes. As noted researcher Neishtadt in 1971, the lake and swamp deposits were developed only in Holocene period. The geological history of Darkhad depression which is situated in the Northern end of Mongolia from ancient time become under scientific interest of many researchers. Our investigation was focused on pollen analysis of lake sediment of Darkhad depression which caused bottom of paleolake. In Mongolia the palynology science is beginning to develop since 1990 and in 2000 the laboratory of palynology was established at the department of Biology, State Pedagogical University of Mongolia. Researchers from this laboratory working on pollen morphology of present flora in order to classify plants taxonomy. Another part of our investigation is mellitopalynology, which is studying of pollen grains in a honey. Although, this research has been extending by pollen analysis of sediment and lake deposits in past few years on the basis of high sensitive microscope and modem technology.
